Tibetan Bunting

Tibetan Bunting
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Emberizidae
Genus: Emberiza
Species: E. koslowi
Binomial name
Emberiza koslowi
Bianchi, 1904

The Tibetan Bunting (Emberiza koslowi) is a species of bird in the Emberizidae family.


Range and population

Emberiza koslowi is restricted to the eastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, in eastern Tibet and southern Qinghai, China, where several large valleys cut into the plateau, including those of the Tongtian River (the upper reaches of the Chang Jiang or Yangtze), the Lancang Jiang (the upper Mekong) and the Nu Jiang (the upper Salween). It is known by just a few scattered records in this inaccessible and poorly known area, but it appears to be genuinely rather scarce and localised.


It inhabits barren areas, juniper and rhododendron scrub on valley slopes above the treeline at c.3,600-4,600 m. It rather unusually builds a domed nest and appears to breed late, with young hatching in mid-July.


It does not appear to be immediately threatened by habitat loss.

Conservation measures underway

None are known.

Conservation measures proposed

Survey for the species in and around its restricted known range. Research its habitat requirements and assess the potential threats.
